วันเสาร์ที่ 8 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Red Ring Of Death - Permanently From Your Xbox 360 Fix The Red Ring Of Death

box is known for its well designed games, amazing themes, graphics and
superb sound effects. There are some more things that it is known for.
Those are errors. The thing that an Xbox gamer fears the most is the
screen freezing in the middle of a game and red lights flashing on the
console. This is an unwanted sight which really frustrates any Xbox 360
owner. Red ring of death is one such error. The moment you see 3 red
lights flashing near the power button on the console, you know that it is
an error called Red ring of death. Now it is not as deadly as it sounds.
Let me explain.

Red ring of death is a simple over heating problem. It is mainly caused by
long hours of playing or keeping the console in such a place where it is
void of fresh air and ventilation. Keeping the console wrapped in a cloth
or box while it is on can cause such a problem. Another thing which may
cause over heating is dust. When dust gets clogged in the vents of the
console the hot air gets trapped inside the console as there is no where
else from where can get out. This causes the console to heat up out of
proportion. When the heating is too high it causes temporary hardware
failures within the console. This is when the red lights blink and your
Xbox 360 stops working.

Now in case you face this problem, you do not worry at all. There are some
Xbox 360 repair manual available in the market which gives you detailed
repairing steps on any Xbox error. You can simply follow these steps and
mend your console using regular home tools. It's very easy and even kids
can do it. However, if you are still not confident with electronics, you
can ship the console to Microsoft and get it repaired from the pros. Even
so, let me warn you that it may take up to 5 weeks and even $100 if your
console is not under warranty. In all cases, it is a simple problem and
also a common one. But still you need to remember, 'prevention is better
than cure'.

