think that writing a song is something that needs a formal training. But,
it is not like that, the song lyrics are available around us everywhere
and we only have to realize it and find them.
Getting a lyric writing idea is very easy by listening in to our daily
conversations and by monitoring every kind of activities around us. There
are so many ideas around us floating every second on the TV, magazines and
newspapers and even in the school, office or pubs. Once can start writing
his or her thoughts like a story and then can easily transform those ideas
into song lyrics with rhyme. After you start writing lyrics, just look for
words that rhyme to match the lyrics rhyme. And if one cannot get the last
lyrics words to rhyme, they could try to make the line rhyme halfway too.
And it is not always that the lyrics rhyme has to be there in the songs.
It is very important that you do not make the rhymes look like they have
been forced to rhyme by adding some words at the end just because they
rhyme. Instead of this, you can gibe your rhymes a natural flow into the
Another important thing is that you should never pressure yourself to
complete a song in just one seating. It can be easily understood that
there are times when we cannot concentrate properly, so leaving it
unfinished is not a big deal. You can jot the lines as and when they come
in the mind and later you will be able to pick up the best ideas or
phrases to finish your lyrics for a song. Like is said, practice makes a
man perfect, this goes to the lyrics also…..more the lyrics you write, the
better you become.
In order to ensure that you do not neglect the lyric writing, it is good
to set aside a regular period in a day to write song lyrics, you can do it
early in the morning as that time you feel very fresh, so you will get
better ideas. And in this modern age, there are songwriting softwares
available on the net for those who need instant song lyrics.