วันอาทิตย์ที่ 16 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

From the Old to the New

As good as tradition is, it can still be made better. As the needs and
demands of the times change, so should the things around us. One example
is the innovation found in today's greeting cards. With the onset of the
digital age where almost everyone is already logged online, greeting cards
also adapted to the change in the form of online greeting cards. Now you
can find ecards everywhere, like online birthday cards, and these cards
have preserved the charm of traditional greeting cards and combined it
with the technological innovations of the current digital revolution.

One of the changes to the way we send out greeting cards is that now we
can send them online. Now, one can send ecards through email, which is
very convenient if the recipient of the card is overseas or abroad.
Greeting cards have taken advantage of how the internet makes the world
smaller and how it can transcend national borders. Thus, it's now easier
to get your feelings across even if your loved ones are far away.

Another innovation of greeting cards is that now they can be downloaded
and printed from anywhere you have internet connection and a standard
printer. Now, you can find several sites that offer printable cards as
part of their services. So, if it's for a birthday for example, you can
print birthday cards immediately from where you're located. Whether it's
just for greetings or invitations for a birthday party, you can get a
printable birthday card and printable birthday invitations ready for
downloading and printing from greeting card sites.

Accessibility is another advantage that online cards have. Since they are
located in cyberspace, you can access them anytime and from anywhere
there's an internet connection. This means that getting cards is
independent of location and time zone, thus, these cards are more
accessible than your traditional cards. That's not all. Since now, online
cards have a global reach, you can find several cards made from different
cultures thus you'll get different views and designs when it comes to your
greeting cards choices.

The internet has given new dimensions to the traditional greeting cards
that we know. Through online greeting cards, we now enjoy a wider design
selection, more accessibility and easier procurement of greeting cards.
Through online cards, the traditional cards have been made better from
what it was before. Now we have a perfect blend of the values of the old,
and the advancements of the new.

Using and Finding Printable Grocery Coupons Online

Using and finding printable grocery couponsonline. Being organized is the
key to printable grocery coupons whether it is free grocery coupons or
not. Make an organized folder so you are able to swoop in when venders
programs alter. They may comprise valuable coupons today but they could be
double coupons tomorrow. It is all a plot. They acknowledge it so should
you? The way you gambling on this is the way to make them ante up.

People always prefer some bonuses specified as freebies and discounts
whenever they buy something. Businesses apply this trend in their
advantage by acquiring assorted techniques to advance their sales.
Offering coupons deliver a necessary business tool for any business.
Traditionally manufactures and store owners print free grocery coupons in
masses and administer them by newspapers and magazines if a fresh product
is launched or to acquire new clients. The internet has changed all these.
This is the age of e-commerce; people can do anything barely clicking a
button from their homes, from buying grocery to tickets for a sporting

printable grocery coupons, also often called "print online-coupons" are
online coupons available on internet. Applied coupon assortments, from all
sorts of people very extensively. These coupons can be printed at home or
any other places according to their convenience. All they have to do is,
visit a website of manufacturer or retailer or products, register their
name and other required information, select the type of coupon they need,
download a small piece of software called coupon printers, print the
coupon there itself in their printer and avail the discount by presenting
this printed coupon to the shopkeeper when the goods are purchased. It is
child's play and doesn't require huge efforts. In some cases after
registering the name in the website, the manufacture send the free grocery
coupons or coupon codes though email and people can print it at home and
avail the discount on purchasing the product.

วันจันทร์ที่ 10 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Wii Game Downloads —Your Ultimate Guide

Computer video games under the Nintendo Wii banner count among the most
popular among gaming enthusiasts around the world today. As a matter of
fact, about 45 million Nintendo Wii game consoles have already been sold
worldwide, a sales level above those of the Xbox and PlayStation. This
immense Nintendo Wii popularity has been attributed to the console's more
affordable price and the suitability of Wii games for all members of the

In addition, there's a wide variety of Wii game downloads available
through the internet. Many of these games are bestsellers and count among
the 80 million copies of Wii games already sold in the market. These
games could be downloaded through the internet access feature of the
Nintendo Wii console.

Wii game downloads are widely available in the internet as many
enterprising service providers have recognized the popularity of Wii games
and the gains that could be derived from this venture. It would be wise
to refrain from downloading Nintendo Wii games through free torrent sites.
Downloading from these sites could infect your computer with harmful
viruses, spyware or malware.

The better and safer choice would be those sites offering Wii game
downloads after you have paid a membership fee. Usually, these sites
offer several options. You can access Wii games on a per-download basis
or for a limited period of time which would be affordable and economical
for the casual gamers. Those who are really hooked to Nintendo Wii games
will find a lifetime membership very attractive as this will enable them
unlimited access to the computer video games that has taken the gamers'
world by storm.

What To Look For In A Massage Table

Whilst you are learning how to give a massage and discovering the steps to
release the power in your hands to sooth, relieve and relax your subject,
by soothing tired and strained muscles, there is one aspect that you have
to consider. Ask yourself where you are going to perform the massage and
should you not ensure the best possible experience for your subject.

Whilst a massage can be undertaken on the floor or on a bed, to derive the
best experience for the subject, massage therapy should be practised on a
purpose made massage table. The table of choice should not only be
professional looking but also both functional and practical as well. If
you wish to massage in different places, you should choose one that is
designed to be portable rather than the fixed location type.

The standard massage table top will extend to 30 inches wide and a length
of 76 inches. You will notice that all the corners are rounded as this
will assist when covering the top of the table with a protective sheet
plus reduce the chances of any injury when stretching over the table when
undertaking therapy. Ensuring that the table is comfortable is essential
as you do not wish the person receiving the massage to be uncomfortable as
this will reduce the impact the massage treatment will have. You should
also be thinking about a table with a foam insert that has a built-in face
hole that will improve the comfort of the subject.

If it is of a fold away design, make sure that you are happy with the ease
of the process of opening and closing it. Most tables will have easily
adjustable height settings usually operated by a pedal or perhaps a lever
mechanism. You should also consider where you are going to put accessories
for the massage such as oils, incense, towels, sponges, cloths etc and
whether tables that offer such things as side trays and storage would
assist in your massage treatment.

As cleanliness is imperative with massage therapy, the surface of the
table will be required to be cleaned after each massage session. The last
thing that you want is for the table surface to be awkward to maintain. By
selecting the standard choice of soft yet tough wearing vinyl you will
have a surface that will be capable of withstanding a lot of use which can
also be easily cleaned of body oils and sweat that is not caught with the
use of towels.

It is important to understand that it is not the case of choosing the
first massage table that you come across. If you are interested in
discovering how to give a massage then once you have become familiar with
the techniques involved, you then should think hard about investing in a
suitable surface on which your subject can rest whilst you unleash the
power within your hands.

Delicious Bar Cookie Recipes: West Virginia's Reese Cup Bars and English Bars

Bar cookies are easy and delicious. West Virginia's Reese Cup Bar Cookies
is a recipe that supposedly originated in West Virginia. It does not
contain its namesake candy but has the taste of it. The English cookies
are somewhat different with ingredients that include coffee and dates.
Add these recipes to your files today.


2 sticks margarine, room temperature
1 cup peanut butter
1 lb confectioners' sugar
1 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs
16-oz milk chocolate chips

In a large bowl, cream together the margarine, peanut butter,
confectioners' sugar, graham cracker crumbs. Mix together thoroughly and
pat into the bottom of a 9 x 13-inch dish or pan. Melt the chocolate chips
in the microwave or over hot water, stirring until totally melted. Spread
the chocolate over the peanut butter layer. Let chocolate set before
cutting into bars.


2 cups brown sugar
3/4 cup butter
2 eggs
1 cup cold coffee
1 tsp baking soda
2 tsp baking powder
3 cups flour
1/2 cup chopped pecans
1 cup chopped dates, optional

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Cream brown sugar, eggs and butter together. Dissolve the baking soda in
the cold coffee. Add the soda/coffee mixture to the butter mixture. Add
the baking powder and flour to the mixture and mix all together well. Stir
in nuts and dates, if using. Spread the mixture on a greased and floured
12 x 17-inch cookie sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Cool 1
minute. Frost with a simple powdered sugar icing.


Hindi Movies Songs Lyrics

The songs of movies or albums are based on the tunes and lyrics. You may
think that writing a song is something that needs a formal training. But,
it is not like that, the song lyrics are available around us everywhere
and we only have to realize it and find them.

Getting a lyric writing idea is very easy by listening in to our daily
conversations and by monitoring every kind of activities around us. There
are so many ideas around us floating every second on the TV, magazines and
newspapers and even in the school, office or pubs. Once can start writing
his or her thoughts like a story and then can easily transform those ideas
into song lyrics with rhyme. After you start writing lyrics, just look for
words that rhyme to match the lyrics rhyme. And if one cannot get the last
lyrics words to rhyme, they could try to make the line rhyme halfway too.
And it is not always that the lyrics rhyme has to be there in the songs.
It is very important that you do not make the rhymes look like they have
been forced to rhyme by adding some words at the end just because they
rhyme. Instead of this, you can gibe your rhymes a natural flow into the

Another important thing is that you should never pressure yourself to
complete a song in just one seating. It can be easily understood that
there are times when we cannot concentrate properly, so leaving it
unfinished is not a big deal. You can jot the lines as and when they come
in the mind and later you will be able to pick up the best ideas or
phrases to finish your lyrics for a song. Like is said, practice makes a
man perfect, this goes to the lyrics also…..more the lyrics you write, the
better you become.

In order to ensure that you do not neglect the lyric writing, it is good
to set aside a regular period in a day to write song lyrics, you can do it
early in the morning as that time you feel very fresh, so you will get
better ideas. And in this modern age, there are songwriting softwares
available on the net for those who need instant song lyrics.

The Watchmen: The End Is Nigh-Enjoy Playing And Watching

The Watchmen video game is now available on the PlayStation 3 home
console. It comes home in a package deal called The Watchmen: The End is
Nigh- The Complete Experience. Why is it called the complete experience?
It is because you get both parts one and two on the disc and a little
bonus included, the Blu-ray version of the film. Yes, that's right; you
get both installments of the games and a free movie to boot. The movie is
worth the purchase alone and the games are not a bad bonus. The HD version
of the movie is awesome and even if you are not a rabid fan, reading the
graphic novel over and over again, you will enjoy the film.

The story behind the game is 10 years in the past, before the story that
the movie was based on. It is a very different world. Naturally there is a
ton of fighting with the requisite bad dudes. I love the fact that you can
choose to be either Nite-Owl or Rorschach. Nite -Owl I can take or leave
but Rorschach is a trip. I liked his character so much that I looked him
up. A million years ago the actor that portrayed him in the movie was a
one of the original Bad News Bears.

The story is a mystery of a disappearance of another costumed hero right
before the enactment of the anti-costumed hero laws. The voice acting is
okay, not the best, but better than a lot of games out there. The
graphics for the game are not ground breaking, but are pretty cool and do
the characters justice. The lighting and backgrounds make the dark feel
of the city come alive just like in the book.

You do occasionally get to see other characters from the story which is
cool. I really liked getting all the background scoop on these guys. What
a strange world they existed in that mirrors our own closely enough to
make it interesting. Besides the story you can get all the fighting that
you want out of your system. I personally get a little bored with constant
fighting, but the rest of the experience keeps me interested.

The game also makes the two main characters as different as they really
are. They have moves that are all their own and they maneuver through the
space in different ways. I can only hope that there are more of this genre
that will be made into movies and games. It was a long time coming for
graphic novels to be made into serious budget movies for adults. i just
hope they are here to stay and continue.

What To Watch Out For When Buying World Of Warcraft Accounts

Playing wow accounts can be an exciting and totally engrossing experience.
As you get into the game a bit, you begin to realize the extent of the
online gaming world available to you. That's about when you realize your
newborn little character is extremely limited in what it can do and what
you can experience when you play World of Warcraft.

Would it surprise you to learn that you can buy World of Warcraft
characters online? That's right. There are a variety of companies out
there actively selling strong characters for World of Warcraft gameplay.
There's no longer any need to work those endless hours as a low level
player, hoping to live long enough to get enough experience to level up
time and time again. You can go shopping for your dream character, high
power and high level today!

Many different player characters are available. If you are planning on
spending good money on a character, do a bit of research first. Which side
do you prefer, the Horde of the Alliance? Which character type fits your
playing style? Do you tend to use magic or simply brute force? Do you
enjoy working as part of a team or feel more like the lone wolf character?
All these questions will affect which character you buy for World of

What do you look for when deciding which online WoW account retailer to
choose? Make sure your WoW account retailer has a help line to get your
questions answered. Occasionally snags come up in the ordering process.
Having a live human on the other end of the phone goes a long way towards
helping you resolve your problem.

Does the World of Warcraft account retailer provide a guarantee? It's not
unheard of that someone purchases a nice WoW account, plays for a couple
of months, and then gets the account reclaimed by its original owner. What
a drag! Make sure your retailer has some sort of system in place to avoid
this or some sort of guarantee to help you get the WoW character account
you paid for.

And most of all, get what you want. Take the time to buy wow accounts to
carefully choose your character. This decision will affect your gaming
future for many months to come.

article form http://www.accountmmo.com

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 9 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Repair X box 3 Red Light

What is the X box 3 red light? More importantly how do you fix the x box 3
red light problem? It doesn't matter whether you a seasoned gamer or
someone looking to start gaming, chance are you are well aware of the Red
Ring of Death. Identified by the appearance of the dreaded x box 3 red
light warning on the console and the sudden system failure, this error has
been found to plague more than half of the Xbox 360 consoles sold to
consumers around the world. A system with well known and established flaws
rightfully has potential buyers wary of committing their hard earned money
to a console that has a good chance of being affected by such an error.
Fortunately with the emergence of such an error comes various remedies to
fix the x box 3 red light error, some obviously better than others.

One of the most common, and least recommended, home repair methods is to
wrap your Xbox 360 in a thick towel and leave it on. The towel mthod is
designed to overheat the system, forcing it into an automatic reset.
Overheating the system to any degree is never a good idea and by doing so,
permanent long term damage to your system could result. The temperatures
needed to force your system into performing a hard reset can permanently
destroy your motherboard, along with other important circuitry.

An alternative option, an by far the most recommended, is through the use
of x box 3 red light repair kits, easily available online. These kits have
been proven to resolve the three red light problem on the Xbox 360 without
causing any further damage. Following the step-by-step guides in these
repair kits, many gamers have been able to repair their system in under an
hour. This is often the best method for resolving their red ring of death,
as it has the best success rate and costs you the least amount of money.

For full reviews of the top x box 3 red light repair kit reviews you can
visit http://www.xbox360fixit.info

3 Ways You Can Dress Up The Plain Baked Potato

If you are tired of making just the plain old baked potato for your family
dinners, I have 3 recipes that I would like to share with you.

All of these recipes require you to bake your potato, either in your oven
or your microwave. For the best results, I recommend oven baking. If you
like sour cream, you can certainly add a dollop of that onto the potato
once you remove it from the oven.

Classic Twice Baked

4 white potatoes
salt and pepper to taste
1/4 cup milk
3 tablespoons butter
shredded cheddar cheese

Bake your potatoes until done. Remove and let slightly cool. Cut in half
lengthwise and scoop out the pulp. Place pulp in a blender container with
salt, pepper, milk and butter. Blend on low speed until creamy. Spoon
filling back into potato halves and sprinkle with some shredded cheese.
Place back into a 350 degree oven for 10 minutes or until cheese has

Potatoes Suzette

6 medium white potatoes
3 tablespoons butter
1/2 cup of warm milk
salt and pepper to taste
bread crumbs
2 tablespoons cheddar cheese
6 eggs

Bake potatoes in a 350 degree oven until done. Remove from oven and slice
the tops off each one. Scoop out the inside pulp and place in a blender
container along with milk, butter, salt and pepper. Blend until smooth and
creamy. Fill each shell with pulp mixture and then make an indentation in
each. Break an egg into the indentation and sprinkle bread crumbs and
shredded cheese on top. Bake in a 350 degree oven until the egg has set,
about 15-20 minutes.

Baked Tomato Potatoes

4 large white potatoes
salt and pepper to taste
1/4 cup tomato juice
1/4 cup finely diced tomato
3 tablespoons butter
shredded cheddar cheese

Bake your potatoes until done. Remove and let slightly cool. Cut in half
lengthwise and scoop out the pulp. Place pulp in a blender container with
salt, pepper, tomato juice, diced tomatoes and butter. Blend on low speed
until creamy. Spoon filling back into potato halves and sprinkle with some
shredded cheese. Place back into a 350 degree oven for 10 minutes or until
cheese has melted.

Holiday Cranberry Party Punch Recipes

During the holiday season, we like to entertain friends and family members
here at our home. Along with our traditional holiday spread of delicious
food, I like to serve a cranberry holiday punch.

You will need to purchase a large punch bowl and punch cups to serve the
following recipes. You can use traditional flavored ice as explained at
the end of each recipe or you can make an ice ring mold to keep your punch

How To Make An Ice Ring Mold:

Making a punch bowl ice ring is really easy. Buy an inexpensive gelatin
ring mold, fill the mold with punch juice and freeze for several hours.
Remove the ice mold from the ring and add it to your punch bowl before
pouring in the punch juice. Making an ice ring mold from punch juice keeps
your party punch from getting watered down, which is what would happen if
you use traditional ice.

Cranberry Mixed Fruit Punch

1 quart bottle 7-Up soda
1 pint cranberry cocktail
12 ounce can frozen lemonade concentrate
12 ounce can frozen pineapple concentrate
1 quart raspberry sherbet

In a large punch bowl, combine all of the above ingredients together in
the order that they are given. All ingredients should be chilled or cold
before placing into the punch bowl.

Punch Bowl Ice: Take 4 ice cube trays and purchase an additional bottle of
cranberry juice. Pour juice into the ice cube trays and freeze. Use
cranberry ice in your punch bowl so that your punch doesn't get watered

Cranberry Apple Punch

1 large bottle cranberry juice
1 large bottle apple juice
12 ounce can frozen lemonade concentrate
6 ounce can frozen pineapple juice concentrate
6 ounce can frozen grapefruit juice concentrate
2 liter bottle lemon-lime soda

Pour all ingredients together into a large punch bowl in the order that
they are given in the recipe. All ingredients should be chilled or cold
before placing into the punch bowl.

Punch Bowl Ice: Take 4 ice cube trays and purchase an additional bottle of
apple juice. Pour juice into the ice cube trays and freeze. Use apple ice
in your punch bowl so that your punch doesn't get watered down.

The Truth About Free Psychic Readings You Can Not Miss!!

If you are anything like the vast majority of the people who read our
articles and comment on our content, the simple truth is that you are
looking for an inexpensive (or totally free) psychic reading and simply
aren't sure where to get one, OR if it's worth it at all. Sound like you?
Great... this article was written with you in mind, so continue reading on

Okay... but are free psychic readings worth pursuing, or is it better to pay?

Honestly? It's similar to asking if getting a free lawyer, or auto
mechanic or Nanny is better than paying for one. Why? Well, the very best
psychics are going to want to be compensated for their efforts, as like
any other professional, this is their career!

Does this mean that "free" psychics are not worth trying out... or
sampling at all?

No, I'm not necessarily saying that. What I am saying though, is that the
quality of the reading is simply not going to be as good if you are
getting it for free, in my experience.

The only times this does NOT apply is when dealing with a reader who is
working for charity, or crime solving, or doing "medium" work to help
grieving families.

But in general, when getting an online reading for love, romance, money or
career style intuitive advice, you are FAR better off paying a few dollars
for a GENUINE psychic reading, than trying to find someone for free. (for

<b>POP <u>Quiz!</u></b>
What is the <u>Top</u> Psychic Network for Cheap (but Super Accurate!)
Online Readings That <b>WILL</b> Blow Your Mind?


href="http://realpsychicreviews.com/?p=10">Click Here for the Answer!</a>

<b>Real Psychics.</b> Real Reviews. Really <u>Amazing!</u>

วันเสาร์ที่ 8 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Red Ring Of Death - Permanently From Your Xbox 360 Fix The Red Ring Of Death

box is known for its well designed games, amazing themes, graphics and
superb sound effects. There are some more things that it is known for.
Those are errors. The thing that an Xbox gamer fears the most is the
screen freezing in the middle of a game and red lights flashing on the
console. This is an unwanted sight which really frustrates any Xbox 360
owner. Red ring of death is one such error. The moment you see 3 red
lights flashing near the power button on the console, you know that it is
an error called Red ring of death. Now it is not as deadly as it sounds.
Let me explain.

Red ring of death is a simple over heating problem. It is mainly caused by
long hours of playing or keeping the console in such a place where it is
void of fresh air and ventilation. Keeping the console wrapped in a cloth
or box while it is on can cause such a problem. Another thing which may
cause over heating is dust. When dust gets clogged in the vents of the
console the hot air gets trapped inside the console as there is no where
else from where can get out. This causes the console to heat up out of
proportion. When the heating is too high it causes temporary hardware
failures within the console. This is when the red lights blink and your
Xbox 360 stops working.

Now in case you face this problem, you do not worry at all. There are some
Xbox 360 repair manual available in the market which gives you detailed
repairing steps on any Xbox error. You can simply follow these steps and
mend your console using regular home tools. It's very easy and even kids
can do it. However, if you are still not confident with electronics, you
can ship the console to Microsoft and get it repaired from the pros. Even
so, let me warn you that it may take up to 5 weeks and even $100 if your
console is not under warranty. In all cases, it is a simple problem and
also a common one. But still you need to remember, 'prevention is better
than cure'.

World of Warcraft Leveling Guides: Pure Scams?

If you've been playing the World of Warcraft for some time, you'll
probably agree with me that World of Warcraft Leveling Guides are very
essential in somehow helping us to play the game better. Some players need
help in some specific areas of the game, while others need help all
through the game. Warcraft Leveling guides could really be of some great
help to you, but you should know which ones are worth your money.

As you may imagine, I've spent a big amount of money and explored most of
these World of warcraft leveling guides just trying to locate a good guide
that can be of help in my game. There are practically hundreds if not
thousands of them out there, all promising to help you become a stinky
rich warcraft player, but you should know better that some, if not most of
these guides are just pure scams. The majority of them simply are not
worth the money.

In some of the guides I bought, I just found very basic information that
you can get for free anywhere on the internet, or in any warcraft forum.
That is why it is very important to make some research before buying any
of these World of Warcraft Leveling Guides to help you improve your game.

I really think things are getting a little bit out of hand on the internet
nowadays. You'll be stunt with what people can grab from anywhere and
start selling. There are very few of these World of Warcraft Leveling
Guides which really have some information that can be of benefit to you,
and locating those is not always easy.

The World of warcraft is a dynamic game. Even some of the so-called good
guides are now outdated. The information they have inside won't help you
today, if the guide is not regularly updated. When buying any of these
World of Warcraft Leveling Guides, make sure you are buying an upgraded
vision of the guide.

If you are serious about locating a good World of Warcraft Leveling Guide,
then I invite you to check out Hayden Hawke's Guide. If you want to learn
how to make 600+ Golds every hour you play warcraft, then click on the
following link and read a review on Hayden Hawke's Secret Gold Guide.

Link between Yoga and Ayurveda

Yoga and Ayurveda together form a complete approach for optimal health,
vitality and higher awareness. They are both closely connected spiritual
sciences deeply rooted in the Vedic tradition of India. Ayurveda is the
Vedic science of healing for both body and mind. Yoga is the Vedic science
of self-realisation that depends on a well-functioning body and mind. Both
disciplines developed together and have always been used together.
Therefore, those who are interested in one would greatly benefit from
studying the other.

One of the hallmarks of Yoga is balance; hence practitioners of this
ancient art and science must pay proper attention to both the body and the
mind. Sometimes over-zealous Yoga enthusiasts seek to cultivate meditation
and higher states of consciousness apart from the physical body, but the
body is indeed the ground for realising enlightenment. If we don't take
care of the body, sooner or later it is likely to succumb to illness. In
Yoga, illness is considered to be one of the obstacles to successful
completion of the yogic process. If you question this, try meditating with
a toothache or while feeling sick in your stomach! It can be done, of
course, but presupposes considerable skill in concentration. Somatic
imbalances give rise to mental disturbances, and vice versa. Therefore,
cultivating a strong, healthy body and training the mind should go hand in
hand, and both pursuits should ideally be powered by a desire for

An understanding of Ayurveda, particularly your constitution type, will
assist you in choosing the right kind of yogic postural or meditation
practice. The yogic path is intrinsically challenging, and wise
practitioners welcome any information that will be of benefit to them.
Thus, the typological knowledge of Ayurveda is one of the best-kept
secrets of Yoga. If you make little progress on the yogic path, it is
perhaps because you are on the wrong track. Understanding your
constitution type is important not only when determining your diet or a
course of medical treatment, but also when embarking on a journey of
spiritual practice.

There are a huge amount of Yoga equipment suppliers out there, but try
http://www.ayurveda-yoga.co.ukfor top quality, competitively priced yoga
mats, benches, belts, and more.

3 Ways You Can Dress Up The Plain Baked Potato

If you are tired of making just the plain old baked potato for your family
dinners, I have 3 recipes that I would like to share with you.

All of these recipes require you to bake your potato, either in your oven
or your microwave. For the best results, I recommend oven baking. If you
like sour cream, you can certainly add a dollop of that onto the potato
once you remove it from the oven.

Classic Twice Baked

4 white potatoes
salt and pepper to taste
1/4 cup milk
3 tablespoons butter
shredded cheddar cheese

Bake your potatoes until done. Remove and let slightly cool. Cut in half
lengthwise and scoop out the pulp. Place pulp in a blender container with
salt, pepper, milk and butter. Blend on low speed until creamy. Spoon
filling back into potato halves and sprinkle with some shredded cheese.
Place back into a 350 degree oven for 10 minutes or until cheese has

Potatoes Suzette

6 medium white potatoes
3 tablespoons butter
1/2 cup of warm milk
salt and pepper to taste
bread crumbs
2 tablespoons cheddar cheese
6 eggs

Bake potatoes in a 350 degree oven until done. Remove from oven and slice
the tops off each one. Scoop out the inside pulp and place in a blender
container along with milk, butter, salt and pepper. Blend until smooth and
creamy. Fill each shell with pulp mixture and then make an indentation in
each. Break an egg into the indentation and sprinkle bread crumbs and
shredded cheese on top. Bake in a 350 degree oven until the egg has set,
about 15-20 minutes.

Baked Tomato Potatoes

4 large white potatoes
salt and pepper to taste
1/4 cup tomato juice
1/4 cup finely diced tomato
3 tablespoons butter
shredded cheddar cheese

Bake your potatoes until done. Remove and let slightly cool. Cut in half
lengthwise and scoop out the pulp. Place pulp in a blender container with
salt, pepper, tomato juice, diced tomatoes and butter. Blend on low speed
until creamy. Spoon filling back into potato halves and sprinkle with some
shredded cheese. Place back into a 350 degree oven for 10 minutes or until
cheese has melted.

วันศุกร์ที่ 7 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Remember Me Ringtone | T.I. Ringtones - Download Remember Me Ringtone

Remember Me Ringtone by T.I. ft. Mary J Blige is one of the hottest
ringtones in the world right now. Remember Me is quickly becoming the most
popular songs in America. Remember Me Ringtone is a perfect choice for
your next cell phone ringtone. T.I. Ringtones have always sounded awesome.
If you are looking for a new ringtone for your phone, the Remember Me
Ringtone is a great choice.

*** Click Here & Sign Up to Download This Ringtone Now! ***

Remember Me has been rising up music charts over the past few weeks. The
song has been performing well on the Billboard Hot 100, Canadian Hot 100
and other global music charts. It is also one of the most popular
downloads on iTunes right now. The Remember Me Ringtone was one of the
most frequently downloaded ringtones in the world last month and it has
been getting even more popular recently. T.I. has released some awesome
singles lately, but Remember Me is definitely one of the best. The
Remember Me music video has received millions of views on internet sites
such as YouTube. Don't wait - use the link above to get this ringtone on
your phone now!

Click Here to Download T.I. Ringtones on Your Cell Phone

Remember Me Ringtone by T.I. is the perfect choice for your cell phone.
T.I. Ringtones are also a great option. These ringtones are available to
most mobile carriers in the United States and many global cell phone
carriers as well. Click on the link above and follow the instructions on
the next page to download your ringtones right now. Thank you for reading
this article about the Remember Me Ringtone by T.I.

Video Game Backup Software

Video game backup software packages help you backup video games in CDs and
DVDs. Video game backup software is mostly used in personal computers.
These software packages require small storage capacity as compared to
others. Many video game backup programs provide such high-quality copies
that you do not see any difference between an original and a copy.

Video game backup software enables you to copy a variety of video games
such as Xbox, Playstation, PSP, PSX, PS2, and Dreamcast. The important
thing about software that copies or backs up video games is their speed:
some take hours to copy a DVD, but some others take less than forty-five
minutes. Most video game backup software companies offer online services
with good discounts on prices. Many video game backup software dealers
provide free trails, which enable you to select the program that suits you
best. Some versions allow you to copy one or two DVDs using their software
before you buy them. Installing and working instructions are generally
provided with the software.

It is normally impossible to produce a copy of your backup CD. This is
because most video game backup programs contain an encryption that is that
does not permit copying. When you copy the software, this part of the code
is not copied.

When you run your backup video game, sometimes you have to modify your
settings. Sometimes you will have to install a mod chip. Some video game
backup software packages provide mod chips with their software and some
others provide advanced software that does not necessitate the
installation of any mod chip.

The most important advantage of video game backup software packages is
that you don't have to pay hundreds of dollars in replacing lost or
damaged game discs. When you use video game backup software, you should be
aware of laws concerning pirated software. For a legal backup of a game
disc, you have to own an original game CD, and the created backup must be
for your private use only. Many game CDs are protected from copying.

WoW Tailoring Guide

Let us start with a quick introduction to what tailoring entails in World
Of Warcraft.

Tailoring can be done by any character class and is a primary profession.

WoW Tailoring Guide Pg 1

Tailoring is handy for the cloth wearers such as Mages, Priests and
warlocks as they can make their own clothes or special clothing items that
they want.
Tailoring is pretty cool in the way of that no special equipment or
workshop is needed to make tailored items. All you need is the tailoring
recipe you wish to create and the ingredients and you can begin.

When you are a tailor you will be making items such as these:
bags(increase carry capacity- everyone needs these);clothes-shirts and
dresses are popular and players might ask you to make them a tux for a
wedding or special occasion.

Make sure to browse the AH to see what clothes other World Of Warcraft
players want and then make those clothing items to sell in the AH.

Cloth is the root of many recipes in tailoring so to get this you need to
loot a couple of humanoid corpses or kill various humanoids.

The other ingredients of the recipes are usually leather,gems or maybe
potions. All these items can be purchased in the Auction house or sourced
from the various professions.

Other professions that go well with tailoring are enchanting and skinning.

When you reach level 350 in tailoring you will need to specialize in one
of the following: primal mooncloth, shadow-weave or spellcloth.

The cool thing is when you specialize you will then be able to create 2
items for every 1 lot of material. Now that's neat and only have 1
cooldown period.

Cooldowns are compulsory waiting periods that Blizzard implemented in the
game that stops you from creating the same items the whole time. Once you
have created a specific item you need to wait for 4 days or less or more
before you can craft the same item again. However when you specialize you
can make 2 of that specific item for 1 cooldown period. Thereby doubling
your output. So get to level 350 asap.

Here is a quick guideline on what the 3 different specializations entail:

Spellfire- 28-slot enchanting bag ,Arcane/Fire damage items, (Fire/Arcane

Shadow-weave - 28-slot soul shard bag ,Frost/Shadow damage items, (Frost
Mage/Warlock/Shadow Priest)
Primal Mooncloth - 20-slot bag ,Healing, (Holy Priest)

You will need to choose a further 1 of 3 specializations (Spellweave,
Ebonweave and Moonshroud) when you become a grand master tailor.

Level up Tailoring from 1-450 here World of Warcraft Tailoring Guide Pg 2

Healthy Lifeline With The Yoga Experience

No debate can arise from Yoga Exercises or is questionable on just how
powerful yoga can be. Yoga has proven to give beneficial rewards to
millions of people in helping them to keep in shape while at the same time
assisting them to lead a healthy lifestyle. Your health and yoga is a
match made in heaven. Yoga Exercises and the people who practice regular
routines are finding it easier to cope with stress on top of easing body
aches and pains.

Times have changed dramatically from the days of yesterday - in the days
gone by life was a struggle for families - but some how they coped with
the illnesses that plagued and terrorised their well being. In those days
you never seen a jogger a treadmill or come to think of it any form of
exercise like yoga. The only thing that the modern world has in common
from the days of the notorious Jack the ripper is the plague. Citizens
today are plagued by stress brought on by pressure from work commitments
to running the home and much more. Why do we put up with the torment of
coping like the people of yesterday who were a lot less fortunate than
ourselves - where their options to help reduce any health risks were

Yes changes have dramatically altered but in our best interest where
health matters is a major concern.

Yoga Exercises do go back to ancient times but why did so many poor
unfortunate urchins die from cholera etc while trying to pick a pocket or
two. The answer to that is there was no awareness programme administered
on how to stay healthy and fit. (Which may have helped save lives?) Could
this be the reason why so many children have been introduced to Yoga
Exercises by their parents in the 21st century?

Yoga exercises for children start with simple and easy moves - yoga moves
and poses for kids are normally named after animals to make it more fun as
well as interesting. For example the butterfly pose is very popular among
the children - this exercise includes where the child will sit with their
knees bent leaning down towards the floor and the soles of the feet
slightly touching. Parents are becoming more involved with health
maintenance procedures in keeping their children fit and healthy.

By enlisting your kiddies to join local yoga classes you have just thrown
them a lifeline where they will learn more on body awareness. One of the
main reasons for introducing a child to the world of yoga is - obesity.

Some children take to yoga exercises like a duck to water and pick up
quickly on the understanding as to why they are performing such exercises.
But then you have those who struggle to come to terms with their exercise
and have no idea to what rewards can be gained. What really matters is -
as long as the kiddies are enjoying themselves then that is one rewarding
result in itself.

Later in life when the child is fit and healthy - it is then that you will
find the child`s perception of the whole yoga experience will answer their
question as to why mummy and daddy did what they did and that was to send
them to practice yoga exercises.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 6 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Traditional Indian Food-Enjoy the Taste of This Unique Cuisine

Indian dishes include exact combination of herbs, spices and flavors and
cooking Indian food is very easy. Indian recipe offer tasty cuisine, good
dishes and healthy beverages which help you in physical and emotional
state, attain a sound and well-balanced spiritual. In Indian food
vegetarian dishes are the main course but there are few non-vegetarian
dishes also healthy and succulent as vegetarian offerings. In Indian
non-vegetarian food you will find fish, meat and chicken.

Chicken is very popular in traditional indian food especially Tandoori
chicken as it is prepared with variety of spices. Indian fried rice or
traditional Indian Biryani made of different spices and herbs such as
ginger, tomatoes, green chili and other vegetables can be served with
roasted chicken. Usually the basic Indian rice meal is made more flavorful
and spicy to have with chicken.

You can find different variety of chicken meals such as butter chicken,
fried chicken, chicken curry, chicken afgani, chicken danuba and chicken
drumsticks in traditional Indian cuisine.

In non-vegetarian dishes egg is also very common among Indians. There are
many recipes of egg like stuffed, pouched and omelet. But Indians use some
basic spices and herbs such as tomato, ginger and chili.

Another thing which is common in Indian cuisine is fish. You can enjoy the
different dishes of fish prepared with exotic herbs and spices and

You can find variety of collection in rice recipes which give you the
excellent idea of cooking. There is also collection of authentic Indian
food and place specific dishes such as Punjabi cuisine. You can try the
dishes either in your home or can visit a best Indian restaurant which
offers best Indian dishes.

When we are talking of traditional Indian cuisine snacks selection is
another interesting and tempting area in India. You can have deep-fried
mashed potatoes stuffed with green peas and wheat buns stuffed with crispy
fried onion. You can have a collection of satisfying fillings and tasty
dishes. You can enjoy the snacks with chili sauces and sweet chili made by
interesting spices and herbs which will give you a unique Indian taste.
You can enjoy the flavor of Indian snacks according to your own taste and

In Indian dishes you can find variety of sweets for dessert which is
served after your meal. You can have adventurous spirit and can enjoy the
exotic aromas and the taste of this unique Indian cuisine. Indian dishes
are spicy, healthy, interesting and versatile.

3 Easy To Make Classic Fudge Recipes For Bake Sales

As my daughter was growing up and involved in school and athletic events,
I was often asked to make some goodies for their bake sales. One of the
things I liked to make was homemade fudge, as it was proven to be a great

You can purchase disposable foil baking pans at your local dollar store or
discount department store. I recommend cutting the fudge into individual
sized portions before transporting it to the sale. You can wrap each piece
of fudge in colorful plastic wrap or use those zipper close snack sized

Peanut Butter Fudge

2 cups granulated sugar
1/2 cup cold milk
7 ounce jar marshmallow cream
12 ounces creamy peanut butter

Mix sugar and milk in saucepan; bring to a full rapid boil and boil for
exactly 3 minutes, stirring constantly with a silicone spatula. Remove
from heat, stir in the marshmallow cream and peanut butter. Pour into a
square 8 x 8" foil pan. Let cool before cutting.

Fantasy Fudge

3 cups granulated sugar
3/4 cup butter
2/3 cup evaporated milk
1 (12 ounce) bag of chocolate chips
2 cups marshmallow creme
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Combine sugar, butter and milk in a medium sized sauce pan. Bring to a
boil stirring constantly and boil for 5 minutes. Remove from heat. Stir in
the chocolate chips until they are completely melted and then stir in the
marshmallow creme and vanilla extract. Pour mixture into a buttered 8 x 8"
foil pan to cool.

Creamy Chocolate Fudge

3 squares milk chocolate, melted
3 cups granulated sugar
1 cup sweetened condensed milk
4 tablespoons butter (not margarine)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

In a medium sized saucepan, combine the milk chocolate squares, granulated
sugar and milk. Bring to a boil and boil for 2-3 minutes or until a soft
ball forms when tested in cold water. Remove from heat and stir in butter
and vanilla extract. Using a hand mixer, mix for 1 minute to make sure its
whipped and creamy. Pour mixture into a buttered 8 x 8" foil pan to cool.


Although the horoscope is not a literal science, math is an integral
conception of reading a horoscope. Contrary to favorite opinion, a reading
of a romantic horoscope or a birthday horoscope is no piece of cake. The
cerebration of daily or weekly horoscopes require the knowledge of the
date of a destined instance or event, which is translated into borough
Universal instance and further into borough sidereal time.

Meditation is a mind control by which one attempt to get beyond the
impulsive, "feelings" mind into a deeper state of leisure or
consciousness. Meditation often involves turning attention to a single
point of reference. It is recognized as a part of many religions and has
been practiced since antique. Meditation is also accomplished external
religious traditions. Diverse meditative disciplines cover a wide range of
religious and/or psychophysical practices which may stress different
goal—from success of a higher state of awareness, to greater focus,
creativity or self-awareness, or simply a more relaxed and peaceful frame
of mind.

Astrology first abstract that the would-be predictor should do is remove
the idea that all forms of astrology is superstition mingled with the
paranormal which crapper only be understood by mystics steeped in occult
lore. Today, whatever astrology is presented this way, but this is not
true traditional astrology. Did you undergo that astrology was considered
power in man's early history? And whatever still do, with good reason.

occult science adopts the Aristotelian, inductive process to move from the
particular to the common, rather like assembling human being pieces of a
jigsaw puzzle - separate observational data are composed and regularly
fitted into a common image, the final creature a mental representational
model of the substantial special effects observed. Occult science the
brains process is mostly logical, applied in a linear mode. The
instruments of analysis are inadequate to and accustomed by, the five
physical senses and their extensions, telescopes and microscopes, etc.
Occult science the result is a specific report of the appearances,
behaviour and physical mechanisms of the Universe-Nature in her various

occult science adopts the Aristotelian, synthetical process to advise from
the particular to the common, kinda same assembling manlike being pieces
of a jigsaw puzzle - removed observational data are imperturbable and
regularly fitted into a ordinary image, the final creature a mental
representational help of the substantial special effects observed. Occult
science the brains process is mostly logical, applied in a linear mode.
The instruments of analysis are inadequate to and accustomed by, the
fivesome fleshly senses and their extensions, telescopes and microscopes,
etc. Occult science the termination is a specific report of the
appearances, behaviour and fleshly mechanisms of the Universe-Nature in
her various appearances.

Alternate therapies was long past that when grouping got peaked or did not
see well, they would meet go to a customary doctor and be presented advice
or a penalization to support them to get better. Now many grouping as well
as those in the healthful field are seeing the benefit of alternate
therapies. Medicine is older than traditional penalization yet many were
not sure to consortium its effectiveness. Today more and more grouping is
finding the benefits of alternate therapies to care with various ailments.

Mudra the physical embody is prefabricated up of five elements namely -
Air, Water, Fire, Earth and Aakash (ether - the tiny intercellular spaces
in the human body). Imbalance of these elements disrupt the immunity
grouping and causes disease. Deficiencies in any of these elements can be
prefabricated up by conjunctive one part of the embody with another in a
particular manner through Mudras.

Mantra - religion and Buddhism, a sacred utterance (syllable, word, or
verse) that is thoughtful to possess mystical or sacred efficacy. Various
mantras are either spoken aloud or but sounded internally in one's
thoughts, and they are either repeated continuously for whatever time or
just sounded once. Most mantras are without some apparent verbal meaning,
but they are thought to have a profound underlying meaning and are in gist
distillations of sacred wisdom. Thus, repetition of or meditation on a
particular mantra crapper induce a trancelike land in the participant and
crapper lead him to a higher level of sacred awareness. Besides transfer
sacred enlightenment, different kinds of mantras are used to work other
psychic or sacred purposes, much as protecting one from evil psychic
powers. One of the most powerful and widely used mantras in religion is
the sacred syllable om.

Kundalini - Kun is the Earth ... add the "di" (sometimes spelt "ti") and
its the little pot of earth in the earth (one cell) .. and the bits added
to the end which some transcribe as "lini" is the perpetual consciousness
of the alpha and the omega expressed as potential.

Kundalini is the forcefulness of our natural fleshly beingness - the
chronicle forcefulness of each radiophone of the Physical Body.

Kundalini is the latent potential of the Feminine Principle of Creation -
the Life-Force and chronicle consciousness of every radiophone of all
fleshly life.

Kundalini is the Refiner's Fire which straightens out the mind's
distortions of Life and Nature.

Pooja – Puja is the act of showing reverence to a god or to aspects of the
divine through invocations, prayers, songs, and rituals. An essential part
of puja for the Hindu devotee is making a spiritual connection with a
deity. Most often that contact is facilitated through an object: an
element of nature, a sculpture, a vessel, a painting, or a print.

Yagya are "energy medicine" that brings the hold of environment to our
activities. Yagya are most aligning with a portion energy. They wage us an
internal boost and tend to change our inclinations. Yagya do not ever
termination in manifest transformation in the visible world. Yagya help
present windows of opportunity - it's still up to us to do the work. We
still have to verify concrete state in the outmost anxiety to create
change. http://www.mudrasforhealing.com

How to Fix the Xbox 360 3 Red Lights

Most avid gamers are fully aware of the infamous Red Ring of Death error
that presented itself to a great deal of Xbox 360 owners. Identified by
the sudden system failure and ominous set of three red lights on the
console, the Red Ring of Death is among the most notorious of system
errors to have plagued this console. For those who have fallen victim to
the devastating effects of this error, a number of different options were
available to fix the problem.

The most common, and oftentimes most frustrating, solution was to send the
entire console off to Microsoft. There were many downfalls with this
option, though. For the first few years after the console's release, this
error was not covered under warranty. When plagued by the numerous class
action lawsuits, however, Microsoft finally agreed to cover the error and
its effects under its three year warranty plan. So not only could you
potentially have to pay for them to fix it, should your warranty have
already expired, but you are also responsible for the costly shipping and
handling fees to have it delivered to and from Microsoft. Another downside
was that the company was found to only treat the symptoms of the error,
and would simply replace certain parts and send it back to you, giving you
but a few months' time before the error came up again.

Another way to repair your Xbox 360 is to take it to someone in your area
who does modifications and repairs on these systems. While this does tend
to be much faster than sending it off to Microsoft, you will have to pay
someone to do the work, whereas Microsoft would do it for free. Also, by
having someone else attempt to fix your console, you void its warranty.
This means you lose the option of sending it off Microsoft for repair in
the future.

The other, most preferred option for repairing your Xbox 360 is to do it
yourself with kits that are available for order online. These kits come
with easy to follow instructions and all the materials needed to fix this
problem. With the step-by-step guide, most people find it a quick and easy
solution with most gamers able to repair their system in well under an

Whatever your choice, make sure you weigh the pros and cons of your
decision before attempting to permanently turn off those three red lights.

วันพุธที่ 5 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

World Of Warcraft Account Players Are Presently Primed

Buying Wow accounts online is easy, inexpensive and enthusiastic
recreation you've discovered the correct statement moneyman to purchase
from. There are some rogues discover there (and I'm not meet conversation
most the ones in wow sell account either!) who will prospect you the
statement you've ever intellection most having, at a toll then travel to
rob you of your hornlike attained cash, leaving you with nothing. If you
desire to buy wow accounts online, then you requirement is to be smart.
Choose exclusive a honored moneyman you undergo grouping have had success
with before, and if you can't be trusty - Google the dealer's name, more
of times than not you can intend a aggregation of aggregation from bright
or not-so-happy gamers who have had experiences with them.

Why WOW buy account? Why pay windy recreation instance struggling to
verify added character? How pleasant would it be to meet index in and
endeavor as a 70? Well, today it's possible. Wow account has entered a
newborn era, and the underway geezer hood of recreation is flooded of
grouping who meet don't have the instance or can't be discomposed to
verify up to 70 on their own. They desire to attain the most they mayhap
can from the game, and for bottom outlay someone added will verify on the
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The Benefit of Yoga

grows in popularity in these days. Some people, although they are busy
with their work and social activities, will spare some time to play yoga.
Yoga can help them feel better and keep their shape. If you want to keep
fitness and your figure, you can have a try.

Yoga actually is an ancient spiritual practice, which is regarded as a
means to enlightenment. Many people today practice yoga to be enlightened.

Yoga has many benefits. In the long run, you will enjoy the remarkable
results. Yoga can train your balance, flexibility, poise, health, as well
as well-being to the body. Besides these, yoga involves a code of ethics,
regulations, and disciplines and so on.

Yoga practice can relieve the stress. Many people today live under great
pressure from making a living. When practicing yoga, you will feel calm
and relaxed.

Through the practice of yoga, one develops awareness of the inter-relation
between the emotional, mental and physical levels, and how a disturbance
in any one of these affects the others. Gradually this awareness leads to
an understanding of the more subtle areas of existence. The ultimate goal
of yoga is to expand your consciousness, to open your eyes to vast number
of things around you, of which at present you are unaware.

Anyone—at any fitness level, and with a wide range of personal and fitness
goals—can benefit from beginning a yoga practice. If you want to get in
better physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual shape, yoga is the key.
There are different types of yoga and you should find one which suits you.
Only in a few days, you will harvest the marvelous result.

Macaroni Grill Restaurant Recipes Revealed - Copycat Your Favorite Macaroni Grill Menu Item

If you want to know how to copycat your favorite Macaroni Grill recipes,
read on!

We all know that things are not going so well on the economic front. As a
result, we are all looking for ways to cut back. But we are human, and I
know personally there are very few things I am willing to go without. I'm
not so stubborn, however, to know that I can have the same things, just in
a more cost efficient manner. I will admit that one of my weaknesses is
going out to eat. There is just something about the Seafood Alfredo at one
of the restaurants down the road that makes me crave it at the strangest
times. If I could make it at home, I wouldn't be held back by cost, or
time, or even having to leave the house.

Something like Seafood Alfredo is pretty common, and you can find recipes
online for it fairly quickly. But it isn't the same as the Alfredo at the
restaurant. Alfredo sauce is pretty much Alfredo sauce, but the extra
little spices and the combination of seafood they use is what makes it
special. Check the internet to see if someone has posted the recipe for
your favorite restaurant. Sometimes all it takes is one disgruntled
employee to spill secrets.

Failing that, treat yourself to dinner out. But don't just order, eat and
leave. You are on a mission. Mention to your server that the Alfredo sauce
tastes a little different from the Alfredo sauce you make and you would
love to know what they use for that extra bit of flavor. The server might
know, and be able to tell you. Ask nicely enough, and they may even try to
find out from the cooks. You can even ask to see the chef. If you are
going to use this tactic, make sure you don't go during busy hours. Go
when there is a lull in customers, and you have a better chance of having
that one on one.

A lot of the ingredients you can figure out just by dissecting your meal.
If you know they use shrimp, scallops, mussels, lobster, and crab, you can
take that information and make yourself a reasonable facsimile of the
dinner at home. Try to figure out how they cooked the seafood. Did they
grill the scallops? Are the mussels soaked in a garlic wine sauce? Don't
be afraid to take notes. People won't even notice what you are doing.

Once you have that information, you can then start to make it at home. It
may take a few tries to get it perfect, but you will eventually be able to
make your favorite dish at home.

To get you started, here is a recipe to duplicate Macaroni Grill's Shrimp

2 teaspoons finely chopped garlic
1/2 cup melted butter
16 large shrimp, cleaned and de-veined
16 medium mushrooms
1/2 teaspoon pepper
3 cloves fresh garlic, crushed, peeled, and minced
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice (fresh is better for the taste)
1 jar marinated artichoke hearts (drain before using)
4 slices lemon
2 tablespoons fresh parsley, chopped (don't use dried parsley)

Saute the mushrooms and garlic in butter until just about tender. Add the
shrimp and saute until shrimp is cooked (not translucent - but don't
overcook), about 3 minutes. Add the remaining ingredients (except the
lemon and fresh parsley) and heat thoroughly.

Serve over pasta of your choice. Garnish with lemon slices and fresh parsley.

Aquarius Male - Inventors of the Zodiac

Aquarius men are like the air that we breathe-always moving, ever
changing, flowing along through life. People born between January 20th and
February 19th are born under the sign of Aquarius, the water bearer. Very
social, very talkative, very communicative, they are the life of the
party, yet there is a certain self-imposed aloofness about them, which
makes then stand out in a crowd.

Sensitive, Yet Strong Personality

While exhibiting a strong attractive and attracting personality, Aquarian
men can be easily demoralized if things don't go the way they think they
should. They are generally optimistic about life, practical, philosophical
and frank-sometimes too frank for their own good. They mean well, but
sometimes don't understand that what comes out of their mouth can hurt. To
them it's objective or constructive, never personal.

Love Traits

It takes dedication to win an Aquarius male, you must be loyal, and a
light hand to keep them. The best way to win is to befriend him, get to
know him well. Give him his space, and freedom. Don't be clingy, too
possessive and jealous type. If you are a possessive lover you will become
an ex-lover too quickly. Aquarians are unconventional as lovers but true
lovers, nonetheless. They do always remember your birthday or anniversary,
just not necessarily on the day it happens.

Likes And Dislikes

Aquarius Males are always on the prowl for a happy, stable and passionate
relationship. Deep down inside them, there is a zest for life and
exuberance, waiting to be let out. But you'd never know it from the
surface. The Aquarian male most of the times keeps everything to himself,
and open up only to the right people. They like to welcome new
acquaintances with open arms and are ready to see the best in them no
matter what race, ethnicity or diverse culture you came from. They like
cleanliness and exceedingly particular about appearance, clothing, and
most importantly personal hygiene. Dirt under your fingernails will turn
them off, whether he likes your vegetable garden or not.

How To Attract An Aquarius Male

The Aquarius man could rightly be called the chameleon of the Zodiac
because of his shape shifting abilities. He is uncomfortable with
"emotion," preferring to approach everything, including women,
objectively. Getting emotional or attempting to draw an Aquarian male into
a conversation about "deep feelings" will only send him running for the
door with his hands clasped over his ears. It is best to let him come to

Sexually Opportunistic

Aquarian men may not be in hyper-drive when it comes to sexual desire, but
they do like trying new things and unconventional things that are
experimental and a bit unorthodox. They are not afraid to follow their
desires. They are attracted to taller partners with a similar love of the
unconventional, with a willingness to explore. Best compatible signs [that
can go along with], Aries, Libra, Gemini, Sagittarius. Opposite sign: Leo.
Famous Aquarians: Michael Jordan, John Travolta, Eddie Van Halen, Bobby
Brown. Lucky numbers: 1,11, 7, 56